How Much Python is Needed for DevOps?

How Much Python is Needed for DevOps?
If you are looking to get into DevOps, but you do not have a background in programming, it is reasonable to ask, how much programming do you need to know as a junior DevOps Engineer? Is Python a requirement? Are there other programming languages that are needed?VIEW POST

When Will Python 4 Be Released?

When Will Python 4 Be Released?
One of the most heavily criticized aspects of Python was the handling of the transition from Python 2 to Python 3. Do we have something similar coming with the release of Python 4? When can we expect Python 4 to come out?VIEW POST

Can You Learn Python Without Knowing C?

Can You Learn Python Without Knowing C?
When I started learning programming as a software engineering student, my first programming language that I started to play around at home was Python. Later at the university I found out that all the introductory programming courses were based on C. Which one is the better way to get into programming? Do you need to know C to start learning python?VIEW POST