How To Unit Test Abstract Base Classes In Python?

How To Unit Test Abstract Base Classes In Python?
Python's abstract base classes have at least one abstract method, so they cannot be instantiated directly. They are useful for defining laying out the class interface, but deferring the implementation to the inherting classes. Though a problem arises when you want to test the non-abstract methods of an abstract class. How do you do that if you cannot isntantiate the class?VIEW POST

Who Owns Python?

Who Owns Python?
Python is one of the most popular programming languages - many operating systems come with Python pre-installed by default. But is it really free to use for everyone? Who holds the ownership of Python as a platform?VIEW POST

Is Python Interpreted or Compiled?

Is Python Interpreted or Compiled?
Compiled languages must be turned into machine code, but after they are turned into an executable binary by the compiler, they can be run directly on the system. Interpreted languages do not need this extra step, they are being turned into CPU instructions on-the-fly by the interpreter. So, which group does Python belong to?VIEW POST